Tag Archives: psychology classes online

6 Tips to Make Your Mark in the Field of Psychology

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Psychology is a vast and dynamic field that offers numerous opportunities for individuals to make a significant impact. Whether through clinical practice, research, or teaching, the possibilities are endless for those eager to contribute to the understanding of human behavior and mental processes. To truly make your mark in psychology, it’s essential to focus on continual growth, networking, and applying innovative approaches to your work.  Continue reading


Psych 101 – Introduction to Psychology – Lecture 4

As we continue to explore the biological basis of human behaviour, the focus shifts to the topic of sensation. In this lecture we examine the roles of stimuli and receptors, define key terms such as absolute threshold, sensory adaptation and just noticeable difference (JND), look at detailed structures of our major sense organs and discuss the different ways in which we experience the world through our senses.

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Psych 101 – Introduction to Psychology – Lecture 3

This lecture covers the biology and physiology of the nervous system, with emphasis on the brain. The basic structure and function of the neuron is discussed, in addition to concepts such as action potentials and neuroplasticity. The presentation also highlights the major divisions of the nervous system and describes the functions of important brain structures and regions. This lecture essentially provides a brief look at the biological basis of human behaviour, and highlights the marvelous complexity and efficiency of the nervous system.

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Psych 101 – Introduction to Psychology – Lecture 2

This lecture provides an overview of the major research methods used by psychologists in their study of behavior and mental processes. Included among these are naturalistic and participant observation, survey designs, case studies, correlational designs and experimental designs. A brief description of each research design is provided, along with simple examples to aid in understanding the material.

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Psych 101 – Introduction to Psychology – Lecture 1

In this lecture we discuss the definition of psychology, the goals of psychology as well as a few of the various branches/subfields of the science. Psychology’s rich history is also covered in lecture 1, with emphasis placed on the different psychological schools of thought and special mention to some of the individuals who contributed most significantly to the development of psychology as a respected science today. Continue reading


Self Esteem and Self Confidence – Free Online Psychology Lecture

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