Tag Archives: managing stress

How to Fight Stress in High School

stress in high school

Are you having a hard time coping with the ups and downs of high school life? Do you find it difficult to balance family issues, personal problems, and school-related drama with your school work? High school is a time of firsts for most people—you will likely meet your first lifelong friend, meet your first love, and get your first taste of public embarrassment. While high school can be challenging, there are a few things you can do to keep your stress levels under control.  Continue reading


5 Tips For Managing Stress in the Office

occupational stressThere’s a sense of comradery when it comes to stress in the workplace, with the boss usually being the stressor and the subordinates, the sufferers. Coping with stress is never an easy task and employees often struggle at managing stress in the office environment because they are simply too busy being stressed.

Working in high stress environments increases the risk of both suffering physical illness or symptoms of psychological distress (Cooper & Cartwright, 1994; Cooper & Payne, 1988, cited in Clarke & Cooper, 2004), and also work-related accidents and injuries (Sutherland & Cooper, 1991, cited in Clarke & Cooper, 2004). Continue reading
