Tag Archives: insomnia

Police Officers and Stress Related Health Problems

police and stress related health problemsThere is no doubt that policing is an extremely dangerous job. Policemen are regularly involved in perilous situations that might result in the deaths of the persons they are trying to serve, the deaths of the persons they are trying to stop or even the loss of their own lives. However recent research is now highlighting the fact that the inherent dangers associated with the job do not solely lurk out in the streets.

John Violanti, Ph.D., a research associate professor at the University at Buffalo School of Public Health and Health Professions, is leading an experiment to study the correlation between the stress of being a police officer and the occupation’s psychological and health related outcomes. The assumption that the exposure to death, the exposure to human suffering and the high demands experienced by police officers in the line of duty contribute to increased risks of cardiovascular diseases and other chronic ailments prompted the initiation of the five year experiment known as the buffalo cardio- metabolic occupational police stress (BCOPS) study. Dr. Violanti insists that this is the first police population based research to test such an association. Continue reading


Is Your Job Killing You? – Infographic

stress managementStress is an inevitable part of day to day life and the workplace is just one of its many sources. But even so, you can learn to keep stress levels in check. There have been numerous studies which confirm that stress on the job can wreak havoc on your general health. In fact, frequent headaches and heart palpitations are signs that your job could be slowly killing you.

People who are chronically stressed are more likely to develop heart disease, insomnia, digestive problems, obesity and a decline in mental health. Chronic stress has been linked to depression, anxiety and memory problems. Do not be afraid to take a few days off from your job if you feel that you have been working too hard and are too stressed out. Coming back to work when fresh in body and mind can make all the difference. Continue reading


The Science of Sleep – Infographic

sleeping businessmanYour mother was right–there’s more to sleep than just shutting your eyes and waking up the next day. We’ve taken a scientific look at this common but often misunderstood activity and examined the phases of sleep, sleep hygiene and some facts and figures to bring “the most important 1/3 of your life” into focus. Continue reading


Lack of Sleep can Adversely Affect Your Health

sleep debtAre you getting enough sleep? It is a simple  enough question, but men and women who do not spend sufficient time in dreamland often experience adverse effects at work or in the home without realizing the cause of their symptoms.

Sleep is essential for your brain to perform efficiently. If you regularly have difficulty getting to sleep, staying asleep or are not sleeping for enough hours, drowsiness might be the least of your worries.

Almost everyone will be afflicted by short term sleeplessness during some point in their lives. High anxiety occasions such as moving house, relationship problems or drastic changes in your surroundings can all contribute to insomnia. While insomnia will not bring about any lasting health issues if experienced for a short period of time, extended sleep deficiency can lead to serious health problems both mentally and physically. Continue reading
