Tag Archives: education

Sir Ken Robinson: The World We Explore (Video)

Education and creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson gives a fantastic talk on how the standardized nature of the educational system restricts the imagination and creative diversity of today’s students. He argues that rather than worrying about the future of the external world, more resources should be invested in breaking down the boundaries that society subtly sets within our own minds and hearts.


The Rise of Eating Disorders in Children

Over the course of the past 20 years, eating disorders have grown significantly, affecting both males and females of all ages. While this issue has been nationally recognized, it appears as though it’s only becoming worse. With stick thin models gracing every magazine and the “ideal” body being almost unattainable, the risk of eating disorders is increasing, especially among the younger generation.

Over 50% of teenage girls use unhealthy weight control behaviors including excessive fasting, improper dieting, skipping meals completely, vomiting, taking laxatives and smoking cigarettes (Lyness, 2011). While boys experience these difficulties to a lesser extent, they are not completely immune to them. Continue reading


Reasons Internships are Important for Psychology Degree Programs

psychology degree

“Nothing ever becomes real until it is experienced. Even a proverb is not a proverb to you until your life has illustrated it.” These words spoken by British poet John Keats (Genn, 2007) convey one simple yet inescapable truth; true knowledge is always born of empiricism. Continue reading
