Tag Archives: abnormal psychology

Understanding A Few Different Branches of Psychology

what is psychology

Many people are aware that psychology involves the scientific study of thoughts, emotions, and behavior.  However, the field of psychology is much broader and more complex than you may initially realize. Over time, many different branches of psychology have evolved in order to give more attention to specific aspects of human life. This increased focus has also contributed to the design of a variety of psycho tests you can take online to better understand the type of person you are.  Continue reading


Phobia ABC’s – A List of 50 Weird Things People Are Afraid of

scared young boyClinical psychology defines a phobia as a persistent and usually irrational fear of a specific object or scenario, often disproportional to the actual danger posed. People will go to great lengths to avoid their phobias, but when an encounter is unavoidable, sufferers typically endure the event with acute distress.

Some phobias are very common. For example, many people exhibit a fear of heights or a fear of small enclosed spaces. Other phobias though, might be a bit more….err….”unique.”

Consider our alphabetized list of weird phobias below: Continue reading


What is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

soldierPosttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder which develops following exposure to a terrifying event involving death, injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of onself or of another person. The symptoms characteristic of PTSD can develop out of personal experience with traumatic events or from witnessing or hearing about such events being experienced by others. Distressing events leading to this disorder include wars, natural disasters, imprisonment, violent personal assaults, serious automobile accidents, and being diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. Continue reading
