5 Social Pressures that May Influence Wives to Leave their Husbands

psychology of divorce

When a man and a woman come together to start a marriage, they usually strive to make each other’s lives fun, enjoyable and fulfilling. However, conflict is an unavoidable consequence of living with another person. This means every marriage will experience issues at some point. In some cases, negative issues may become so intense that the couple decides to separate. Continue reading


How to Avoid Depression Relapse

Depression relapse

Depression is a severe and life-changing medical condition.  The National Institute of Mental Health says 16.2 million adults in the United States or 6.7 percent of all adults have experienced a major depressive episode in the past year. Many people seek treatment but studies show 50% of people who have one major episode of depression will relapse. This is the scariest thought and if you are in the process of recovering, it is important to learn how to prevent relapse. There are many ways of avoiding depression relapse from proper medication management, healthy lifestyle, to avoiding stress at school by using a writing service for your assignments.

This article discusses some of the main factors behind depression relapse and what you can do to prevent them. Continue reading


A Few Advantages of Getting a Degree in Psychology

Degree in psychology

Some students may hesitate to pursue a psychology degree because they are not sure how they will use psychology to make a living in the future. Nevertheless, psychology education can help you to experience significant personal growth and have a better understanding of human behavior and development. While the average person may think getting a degree in psychology means you need to become a psychologist, the truth is many career options are open to people who enter the field. After all, if you understand how the human mind works you will be a valuable asset to any business. Continue reading


How to Use a Psychology Degree to Build Your Career

psychology degree

Psychology is a fascinating subject as it impacts virtually all facets of human life and behavior. However, some students may choose not to pursue psychology because they are not sure how to make a living with a psychology degree. Some jobs within the field (such as counseling) are very common but not everyone who is interested in psychology is interested in becoming a counselor. But as psychology is the study of human thinking and behavior, this type of knowledge can be helpful in many fields. Continue reading


What to Do When Your Loved One is Struggling With Alcohol & Drug Abuse

drug and alcohol abuse

Alcohol and drug abuse are much more common than you may initially think. People drink socially, they take drugs recreationally, and as these substances are addictive, it is relatively easy to become dependent on them over time. Many people who use addictive substances to get through the day refuse to admit they have an addiction issue. Very often, they don’t even realize there is a problem. Continue reading


Female Fears: What Are Women Most Anxious About?

anxiety in women

Anxiety is a common mental health condition that is characterized by intense fear, worry, or nervousness. In the United States, more than 40 million adults experience anxiety each year. Individuals may be anxious because they are afraid of failing, worried about not being accepted by their peers, concerned about their interpersonal relationships, and the list goes on. Anxiety affects both men and women, however, women are twice as likely to experience symptoms of anxiety as men.

In this article, we are going to look at a few female fears. Many women report these are the issues that contribute most to personal feelings of anxiety. Continue reading
