Many people would agree that prolonged exposure to a bad work environment can hinder your work performance and damage your long term mental health. Of course, the types of stressors a worker may face will depend on the type of job he has and the field he works in. Some jobs—such as deep sea fishing and logging—are inherently dangerous, but the typical worker is most often stressed out by the people he works with. In this article, we will discuss a four key steps an employer can take to promote a stress free working environment and boost productivity. Continue reading
How Cosmetic Treatments May Impact Your Emotional And Mental Health
Cosmetic treatments aim to clean, improve or change the color of your hair, skin, teeth or nails. So it is not uncommon for people to seek out cosmetic treatments to improve their appearance. There are various reasons why people may choose to do this, ranging from wanting to look more attractive to others to simply wanting to feel better about themselves. Here are 4 ways getting a cosmetic treatment may positively impact your emotional and mental health. Continue reading
How To Boost Your Memory And Improve Your Focus
Have you ever felt as if you can’t remember anything? Do you find it difficult to stay focused throughout the day? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of people around the world struggle with memory and focus issues every day. Thankfully, there are a few things that you can do to improve your cognitive abilities. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best tips and tricks for boosting your memory and improving your focus! Continue reading
How and Where to Recover From Addiction
Overcoming drug or alcohol addiction is not easy. One of the main concerns during the journey to recovery is the possibility of relapse. Choosing the right drug and alcohol rehab center is a crucial first step in regaining long term health. This is because a suitable rehab center will provide the compassionate healthcare staff, individually tailored treatment programs, effective medication, and relaxed environment needed to recover and regain control of your life. Continue reading
How Can Meditation Music Help You Sleep?
Sleep is an integral component of good physical and mental health. Sleep gives your organs and muscles the time they need to relax and repair damaged cells. However, due to unhealthy lifestyle habits and increasing stress at work or school, most people don’t get the sleep they need. The sleep experts at Sweet Island Dreams believe that many common sleep issues today can be resolved by making simple lifestyle changes. Listening to music is one effective suggestion. Continue reading
Tips on Getting Compensation If You Develop Anxiety After A Car Accident
It is not uncommon for people to develop anxiety or other mental health issues after a car accident. In fact, many car crash survivors have reported that they were in shock immediately after the event. In serious or fatal accidents, survivors may experience flashbacks, nightmares, or intrusive thoughts years after the event. Surveys indicate that long term mental health issues are more common among car crash survivors who did not seek professional mental health care after the accident. Continue reading