Common Wheel is a Scottish charity (SC031798) that is simultaneously providing mental health assistance and bicycle services in Glasgow. Continue reading
Category Archives: Social Psychology
What is Reverse Psychology?
“Technically, you are using ‘Reverse Psychology’ when you intentionally and strongly argue in favor of a decision or behavior while secretly wanting the receiver of your argument to endorse the opposite decision or behavior” (Pantalon, 2011). Continue reading
Social Conformity – The Elevator Experiment
A few days ago, the staff at WIP released an article on the power of group pressure and social conformity on the decisions we make on a daily basis. Today we examine the principles of the classic Asch conformity experiments in a new setting…inside an elevator.
Why Do Women Love the Drama? A “Psycho” Analysis
A new study published by Psychological Science, a journal for the Association for Psychological Science, found that a woman becomes more attracted to a man if she is completely uncertain whether or not he likes her. Continue reading
The Asch Conformity Experiments
Conformity refers to the practice of going along with prevailing social standards or attitudes. In the 1950’s, Solomon Asch conducted a series of experiments in which he studied the willingness of individual subjects to conform to group answers, even when those answers were obviously wrong. Continue reading
Love at First Sight? Practical Dating Tips for College Students
Love at first sight might seem like a wonderful thing. One glorious summer day as you walk the hallowed halls of your college campus, a particular hunk or angel catches your eye, tickles your fancy and traps your soul. The feeling stays with you for days, sustaining you in the absence of appetite and sleep. Suddenly it dawns upon you – this is the one. Continue reading