Category Archives: Social Psychology

Articles on the study of individuals in the social context.

Are Men Funnier Than Women?

which is the funnier sex?So, everyone has heard the results of the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest.  After a panel of men and women reviewed the captions, their findings deemed men were funnier by the merest of a fraction of a percent.  However, men think men are funnier; men like men’s humor better; men like sexist jokes; men try harder and there is a huge stereotypical image in the general population of men being the funnier sex. Continue reading


Effective Psychological Strategies Used in Advertising

Advertising is intrinsically linked to the science of psychology. In this short video Dr. Robert Cialdini discusses various psychological techniques employed by advertisers in order to influence consumer thinking and boost product sales. Among the strategies discussed are the principles of reciprocation, scarcity, authority, commitment, liking and consensus.

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Bilingualism Could Help Protect Against Dementia in Later Life

study a new language

It has been revealed that being able to speak a second language could have a significant impact on your future mental health.  A recent study has indicated that bilingualism not only has the capacity to boost cognitive abilities in your youth but might also improve brain functionality in later life and could even help protect against diseases such as dementia (Bates, 2012). Continue reading


Keep Employees Happy Without the Flashy Perks

happy employees

“Susan, I’d like to have a word with you about that incident during my talk about employee engagement the other day. Please, come on down to my office at about 3:00. You know which one it is? The big one on the corner with all the windows. I have a little chair for you right in front of my great big desk. Just let my secretary’s assistant know that you are here. Her name is Sandy, I think. Don’t be late. My helicopter will be waiting to take me to that executive retreat in Telluride.” Continue reading
