Category Archives: Social Psychology

Articles on the study of individuals in the social context.

Interracial Couple Harassed in Public – Video

Do you believe that all men, regardless of race or ethnicity, are created equal? If so, what would you do if you witnessed an interracial couple being persistently harassed for no other reason than the color of their skin? Would you speak up and defend your ideals or would you remain silent?

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NBC Today: People Ignore 7 Year Old Girl Being Abducted

What would you do if you witnessed a 7 year old girl being abducted in broad daylight? Would you rush to the child’s aid? Would you call the police? As security specialist Bill Stanton demonstrated, people in general were more likely to:

  1.  Blatantly ignore the child’s cries
  2. Cross the street
  3. Walk right past the kidnapper Continue reading

Full Recovery from Schizophrenia? Post #1 – Essential Factors that Support Recovery

Full recovery from SchizophreniaThis is the first of a series of blog postings related to my own series of research studies (my doctoral research at Saybrook University; Williams, 2011) of people who have made full and lasting medication-free recoveries after being diagnosed with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. This is very exciting research because it is one of the few areas within psychological research that remains almost entirely wide open. One reason it is so wide open is that most Westerners don’t believe that such recovery is possible, in spite of significant evidence to the contrary. Since there are some very hopeful findings that have emerged within this research, I want to begin this series of postings by summing up one particularly hopeful aspect of my own research, which is a group of five factors that emerged which are considered to have been the most important factors in my participants’ recovery process. But before looking more closely at these factors, we should back up for a minute… Continue reading


Shopping While Black – Social Experiment

If asked, most persons today would loudly voice their support for racial equality. But is this zeal evident in their behavior as well as their words? Watch the video above and judge for yourself.

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