Category Archives: Social Psychology

Articles on the study of individuals in the social context.

Using Simple Psychology to Increase Conversions – Infographic

home office

According to a recent report from business news giant Bloomberg, 8 out of every 10 new businesses fail within the first 18 months. Despite these somewhat depressing statistics, a survey of 1000 small business owners conducted by Deluxe Corp reveals that:

  • 86% of small business owners believe they can do anything they set their minds to
  • 77% of respondents prefer to try and fail than to never try at all
  • 89% believe that they are leaders Continue reading

VIDEO – Why Are Things Creepy?

Michael Stevens highlights the positive effect that fear can have on our personal health, but questions the reason for our fear of objects that might not be inherently dangerous. In essence, he asks – “Why are some things creepy?” Stevens stresses the importance of “vagueness” and “ambiguity” in giving someone “the creeps” and explains the fascinating concept of the “uncanny valley.”


The Ups and Downs of Bipolar Disorder – Infographic

bipolar disorder cureBipolar disorder (also referred to as bipolar affective disorder) is a mood disorder in which afflicted persons experience alternating episodes of mania (characterized by frenzy, elevated energy levels or arousal) and depression. While the condition can have significant impact on an individual’s lifestyle on a social and secular level, this does not mean that persons with bipolar disorder are unable to live rich fulfilling lives. For more information on this mental illness, kindly consider our infographic below: Continue reading


Schizophrenia: Facts and Myths – Infographic

define schizophrenia

Utter the phrase “mental illness” and for most people, schizophrenia is the disorder that comes most readily to mind. While the disease is widely known and mental health professionals are beginning to understand some of its contributing factors, the underlying causes of the disease are yet to be completely uncovered. Among the general population, schizophrenia is often regarded as a slightly “taboo” topic, with scientific research usually being blended with myth, hearsay and personal opinion. The infographic below will present a few facts on schizophrenia and help to clarify this popular, though often misunderstood mental disorder. Continue reading


5 Reasons Psychology Is Such A Popular College Major

Over the years, psychology has become one of the most common subjects in which college students major. The field is extremely popular. But why are so many undergraduates interested in obtaining a psychology degree? Is it because the subject is complex and offers students novel ways to think about and observe the world around them? Is it because there is a high demand in the workforce for psychology related careers? Let’s take a look below to learn some of the answers. Continue reading
