Regular Facebook use could contribute to depressive symptoms, according to the results of one recent study. Continue reading
Category Archives: Social Psychology
Glenn Greenwald: Why privacy matters
American lawyer, journalist and author Glenn Greenwald speaks about the issue of privacy and why we need it. He states that even persons who claim that privacy is not really important, instinctively take steps to secure and protect their privacy. Greenwald mentions the horror and humiliation often experienced by persons who have their privacy violated, and explains that it is not only the “bad” people who have reason to be worried about the reality of government internet surveillance, “good” people should be concerned too. People who know they are being “watched” tend to conform to what is expected, rather than engage in activities they actually want to do; because the simple truth is, we all have things to hide.
The Effect of Beauty on Success and Self Confidence
A brilliant young woman stares silently at her mirror. Unfazed, her reflection stares silently back. She takes a deep breath and dabs a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice onto her face – one of the many beauty tips recently read on howtoremovethat. Dark spots simply wouldn’t do for tomorrow’s job interview. Her belief is that it might be advantageous to appear as attractive as possible when she faces those potentially life changing questions. And as superficial as this might sound, she’s absolutely right.
Research conducted by Dr. Mikki Hebl of Rice University and Dr. Juan Madera of the University of Houston has highlighted the startling fact that persons with facial blemishes, birthmarks, scars or other facial disfigurements tend to receive lower ratings in their job interviews. Continue reading
3 Ways To Get More RESPECT At Work
We all want to earn the respect of our bosses and coworkers; however, many times our best efforts go unnoticed — so what options do we have to earn more respect? While working late and doing extra tasks have their merits, research suggests that we can enhance our professional image and increase our salary by focusing specifically on our outward appearance. Continue reading
Understanding and Conquering Phobias
For most of humankind’s journey through the ages, daily life was fraught with genuine perils and terror of the unknown. Thus, it’s only natural that we experience instinctively fearful reactions to certain stimuli in the modern world, even when such fear is irrational. Problems occur when an illogical fear becomes extreme and causes a change of general behavior. Such fears are known as phobias, and identifying their presence is the first step toward overcoming them. Continue reading
The Psychology of Lying – Infographic
How many people have you spoken to today? Do you know if one of them was lying to you? If it was a one-on-one chat then the chances are that the conversation involved at least one lie. Continue reading