Category Archives: Social Psychology

Articles on the study of individuals in the social context.

VIDEO – The Psychology behind who says “I Love You” first

In heterosexual relationships, are women or men more likely to say “I love you” first? Are there any specifics reasons or risks that are involved in making such a declaration? Find out as Graham Flanagan from Business Insider presents the latest psychology research on the topic.



3 Telltale Signs Your Relationship May be Headed for Disaster

find relationship adviceMany couples today are dissatisfied with their relationship. Some people may reflect on the long conversations, happy exchanges, and romantic feelings they once enjoyed with their intimate partner and wonder where things began to go wrong. The simple truth is all relationships will experience rough patches some time or another. However, these 3 signs may suggest that things are much worse that you think. Continue reading


The Psychology of Social Conformity

group pressure social conformity

Despite the 21st century’s professed love for independence, originality, and individuality, the reality is very few people want to be different from the other members of their social groups. This phenomenon, whereby the majority of people in a particular social setting strive to be like everyone else in the group, is referred to as social conformity. Continue reading


The Startling Link Between Cyberbullying and Suicide

cyberbullying and suicide

Carla Jamerson, Zoe Johnson, and Audrie Pott have one thing in common: They committed suicide as an alleged result of cyberbullying. None of these girls was older than 15.

Psychologists have established four personality traits that may explain a person’s willingness to inflict pain and suffering on others: narcissism, psychopathy, sadism, and deception. Called the “Dark Tetrad,” this combination of traits may explain why some teens are able to taunt, harass, and bully others online — sometimes to the point of no return. Continue reading
