Category Archives: Social Psychology

Articles on the study of individuals in the social context.

Creating a Colorful First Impression When Dating

psychology of dating

First Impressions Count: How Color Can Help You Date

Regardless of where, how or who you’re dating, whether face to face or online, you can’t get away from that old maxim, ‘first impressions count.’ As the great American writer Mark Twain said, clothes make a man, and one place where first impressions and clothes coincide is in terms of color. There’s a host of research to indicate that the colors you wear can have a profound influence on the way people see you, especially at that all-important first meeting. Whether you’re wooing Western, Asian or Russian brides, you can increase your chance of success by playing the psychological color game. Choose your outfit with care and you can send the right message to your date from the outset! Continue reading


How To Keep Your Mind Healthy When Traveling Long-Haul

psychology of traveling

The opportunity to travel across the world and experience a new culture or a new way of life is one that shouldn’t be missed. Before you travel it’s important to make sure that you have the correct documents in place, be sure to complete your ESTA visa application, if this applies, at Although most of us look forward to taking trips, traveling to a different time zone, whether it’s for work or for pleasure, can take a toll on the health of our mind and body. If you’re heading on a long-haul flight this summer, here are some tips on how to keep your mind healthy.
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How Long Periods of Travel May Impact the Psychology of Young People

psychology of travelling

Travelling can be a life changing experience. It often challenges people to step outside of their comfort zones and embrace a completely new culture. There is a common misconception that travelling is expensive but it possible to travel far on a tight budget if you know how. Try following these simple money saving tips in Europe to reduce the cost of travel.

Our surroundings may directly impact our personality and psychology. How we are brought up, the cultural background we come from, and the people we interact with on a daily basis all shape us into the individuals we are. Consider these long term changes that travelling may have on your mental state and your relationships.
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The Psychology Of Project Management

positive psychology in workplace

There is a great deal of difference between being a good and bad project manager, although it may initially appear to only be a fine line separating the two. Often, behavioural skills play a major role in the way that a team works together and there are many conflicting studies on project management that can make understanding your role more complicated. No two teams are the same and what is able to motivate one individual might not motivate another. However, from a psychological standpoint, there are a few key principles that should be applicable to any team, in any industry, to improve performance. Continue reading


How Selecting the Right Printing Options may Impact Human Psychology

psychology of colorToday, buying a new printer and a stack of printing paper is pretty straightforward. Likely, the only concerns a potential customer may have are related to product quality and whether or not purchasing said products is likely to result in cheap printing costs. However, the quality of your printer and your printing paper may actually have a profound effect on a person’s psychology. How is that possible? Consider these 4 ways mentioned below:

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A Man’s Quest to Decipher what Women want in Intimate Relationships

how to make a woman happyI recently watched a film with a very significant, romantic scene. During the scene, the male protagonist seductively asked his female partner about her desires. It was her secret, but she slowly bent to his will and confessed in a barely audible voice: “We actually don’t have a clue what we really want.” My years of experience on the subject of “what women want” moved me to agree. Be they Persian princesses, pretty Russian brides, or 21st century soccer moms, It is my firm opinion that women have absolutely no clue what they want in intimate relationships. Continue reading
