Category Archives: Psychology News

Breaking news in the world of Psychology

10 of The Best Psychology Blogs to Read Online in 2020

Psychology Blogs

Psychology is a fascinating science to read about. It covers topics such as human cognition, perception, behavior, and mental health issues. Today, there are a number of great websites and blogs that provide insightful articles on psychology. Ten of the best are mentioned below: Continue reading


Criminal record checks for psychologist registration in Australia. What you need to know.

criminal investigation psychologist

Psychologists in Australia fall in the healthcare industry field and their activity is governed by very strict regulations, starting with background checks when applying for registration. Their conduct is permanently assessed and their license to practice can be suspended if there are criminal charges brought against them or if they are subjected to a professional conduct investigation. Continue reading


How Phone Counseling May Help Save Lives During the Covid-19 Lockdown

Phone counseling

With the covid-19 pandemic now affecting virtually every country on earth, it is understandable that much of the world’s focus has been on protecting people’s physical health. Hand washing and social distancing is important in the fight against the coronavirus. However, it is important to remember that mental health issues may lead to loss of life as well. And as people’s anxiety, grief, frustration, and anger continue to rise as the pandemic continues, mental health services such as phone counseling and crisis hotlines may become very important in helping individuals who may be contemplating self harm or suicide. Continue reading


10 Free Online Psychology Courses and Lectures

If you’re a psychology student or you’re just plain interested in learning more about psychology in general, you should know that there are a large number of online resources to educate you on this complex and fascinating subject. Highlighted for you here are 10 online psychology courses and lectures for you to study on your own, and what’s more–they’re free.

Introduction to hosts this free video–a lecture presented by Professor Paul Bloom of Yale University. In this thorough and thought provoking introduction to psychology, Professor Bloom covers the five principal areas of psychology: neuroscience, development, cognitive, social, and clinical. This introductory lecture also aims to answer many common questions regarding the human mind and it’s correlation with behavior. Continue reading


The Rise of Eating Disorders in Children

Over the course of the past 20 years, eating disorders have grown significantly, affecting both males and females of all ages. While this issue has been nationally recognized, it appears as though it’s only becoming worse. With stick thin models gracing every magazine and the “ideal” body being almost unattainable, the risk of eating disorders is increasing, especially among the younger generation.

Over 50% of teenage girls use unhealthy weight control behaviors including excessive fasting, improper dieting, skipping meals completely, vomiting, taking laxatives and smoking cigarettes (Lyness, 2011). While boys experience these difficulties to a lesser extent, they are not completely immune to them. Continue reading


Roberto Mancini – Reverse Psychology in Title Talk

Roberto Mancini Manchester City

More often than not in professional football, we hear managers talking up their team’s chances prior to the start of the season, demonstrating a hundred per cent belief in its ability to succeed and fulfill the expectations of their supporters. Continue reading
