Category Archives: Fun Facts And Optical Illusions

Contains fun and interesting facts about psychology as well as literal optical illusions, physiological illusions, cognitive illusions

What Do You See? Feedback Needed!

male vs female perception

Here at WIP we’ve posted quite a few illusions that highlight how perception can be easily influenced by our past experiences, color, lighting, and other factors. This time we would like our readers to help us to conduct an interesting survey on how perception differs between individuals of different genders and age groups.

Question: What did you “see” when you first viewed the image above?

Please leave your answer in the comment section below, along with your gender and age range (less than 13 years old, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50+ years old). Responses to the survey can also be made via Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. The results of the survey will be published in one month!


Infographic – Occupational Therapists 101

old man and woman with dogOccupational therapy is a holistic type of healthcare that focuses on maintaining, recovering, or improving patient skills to ensure they are able to perform meaningful activities throughout their life. More common practices include assisting children who have disabilities, helping recovering patients regain skills, and helping the elderly who are experiencing physical and mental changes.

Occupational therapy dates back to ancient times when treatments such as therapeutic baths were used as an alternate form of medicine. But it wasn’t until WWI that occupational therapy started to become standard practice in the medical field. Continue reading


The Coffer Illusion

Find the 16 circles

Look closely at the picture shown above. The numerous horizontal and vertical stripes are easy to spot, but how many circles do you see? After you have finished counting the number of circles, go to page 2 for the correct answer and an explanation.


The Leaning Tower Illusion

 Twin Towers of Pisa

Look carefully at these two pictures (shown above) of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Does it seem as if the tower on the right side is leaning a bit more than the tower on the left? Or did you assume that the photograph of the tower on the right was taken from a different angle than that taken for the tower on the left? Continue reading
