Category Archives: Fun Facts And Optical Illusions

Contains fun and interesting facts about psychology as well as literal optical illusions, physiological illusions, cognitive illusions

What Do You See? A Circles Illusion

Moving circles psychology illusion

Keep your head still, stare at the dot in the center of the image and you will see two concentric circles with broken circumferences. Move your head back and forth though, and you will experience something a bit more special.

Always remember to be flexible. A change in perspective can bring great rewards!


Human Perception: The Amazing Waterfall Illusion (Video)

Have you ever seen falling water come to a stop in mid-air? How about water flowing UP a waterfall? If you haven’t, then please watch this amazing video created by Youtube user “brusspup.” This is one of those incredible illusions that leaves observers gaping in wonder and completely lays bare the stark limitations of human perception. Continue reading


Joshua Foer: How to Improve Your Memory

Journalist and memory expert Joshua Foer talks about an ancient technique called the memory palace and claims that anyone can improve their memory through the application of this and other cognitive tactics.

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