Category Archives: Cognitive Psychology

Articles on the acquisition, processing, and storing of information, and the exploration of internal mental states

Exploring the Mind-Body Connection

mind body connection

The mind-body connection refers to the link between a person’s thoughts and feelings and his or her physical health. The concept has existed for hundreds of years. Prior to the 1600s, most health treatments were holistic and geared toward treating the whole person. But from the 17th to the 19th centuries, the Western world started to view the mind and body as separate entities that are completely unrelated to each other. Continue reading


How to Improve Your Memory

improve your memory

Memory is an important part of life. It allows us to reflect on the past and use previously acquired knowledge and experiences for our benefit. Memory also allows us to maintain our place in the flow of time as we transition from what was, to what is, and look forward to what is coming in the future. Without memory, our ability to function effectively on a day-to-day basis would be severely impaired. Continue reading


Why is Neuroscience so Important?

what is neuroscience

An increasing number of people are talking about neuroscience these days. And it is easy to understand why. Despite the fact that the field is relatively young, there are new breakthroughs and discoveries being reported each year. In this article we will cover what neuroscience is and look at several reasons the scientific community is so excited about this particular branch of science.  Continue reading


7 Tips To Protect Your Mental Health While Studying At Home

how to study from home

Exam season can be rather stressful, especially if you are studying for a stressful exam like the USLME. Balancing your work while protecting you mental health is not always easy. If you are feeling lost and frustrated, there are a few ways in which you can improve your mental health while studying. Here are a few tips and tricks to combat stress and the blues while you hit the books. Continue reading


How Cannabidiol May Impact Your Mental Health 

CBD for anxiety

While the covid-19 health crisis has highlighted the importance of cleanliness and good physical health, relatively few people are as vigilant about their mental health. However, recent statistics from the World Health Organization show that mental health issues such as depression and anxiety are increasing. How can people improve their mental health during this period of economic uncertainty, nationwide lockdowns, and social distancing? The answer may be simpler than you think. Continue reading


3 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Mental Health

CBD and Mental Health

Good mental health is associated with emotional well-being, positive thoughts, and healthy behavioral patterns. Improving your mental health is essential if you want to harness your innate physical and cognitive strengths to resolve problematic situations, work towards your goals, and live a healthy life.   Continue reading
