Take Advantage Of Your Local Mental Resources

Find local mental health resources

Occasional sadness, grief, stress, anxiety, and panic attacks it’s undeniable that most people face mental health issues at some point. However, facing extreme emotional baggage alone can be detrimental to your physical and mental health long term. It is important to get help whenever you recognize that your emotions are out of control and you feel overwhelmed. In this article you will be reminded of several local mental health resources you have access to when you need help to heal. 

Find A Psychologist Or Social Worker In Your Area

Therapy is often an excellent option if you need help with resolving challenging mental health issues. If your doctor believes you need professional mental care, he or she may refer you to a psychologist. A psychologist is a professional mental health practitioner who is trained to diagnose emotional and mental health conditions such as eating disorders, anxiety disorders, depression, or even problems in with your sleeping pattern. 

Psychologists are trained to give psychological tests to learn more about your mental health. Once they are able to identify your issues, they can help you manage your symptoms and overall condition through counseling and other forms of therapy. However, it is important to remember that psychologists are not licensed to prescribe medication for mental health issues.

Not only can psychologists help you with personal problems, they can also assist with issues you may have with other people. For example, if you are having issues in your marriage or family, you could consult a licensed marriage and family therapist (LMFT).  As these therapists are trained in family systems theory, marriage counseling and psychotherapy, they can treat families, couples, and individuals with relationship problems. 

You could also go to other mental health professionals in your community such as social workers, mental health counselors, and peer therapists. Social workers are trained for group and individual counseling and most often work in clinics and hospitals. If you need help to cope with difficult life experiences like grief, you could go to a mental health counselor or peer therapist. 

If you are not sure how to access a specific mental health resource in your area it is often best to speak with your primary care provider (PCP). As your doctor will have an idea of the issues you are facing, he or she will refer you to a mental health practitioner who specializes in treating the problems you have. Another option is to get a referral from your insurance provider. This option provides peace of mind as you know that your mental health provider accepts your insurance and your finances are taken care of. 

If your insurance doesn’t cover mental health expenses, you may have to consider changing your plan. Talk with your insurance provider to find out what options are available. It is also important to remember that your circumstances and needs may change in the future. Before applying for a specific plan you may want to ask your provider questions such as “can I change my health insurance plan after enrollment?” Doing so helps you to think carefully about your choices.

Use Mental Health Practitioners that Prescribe Medicine

If you’re suffering from a mental health condition that clearly needs medication, your doctor might refer you to a psychiatrist. A psychologist may also refer you to a psychiatrist if he or she thinks your condition requires medication. Like other mental health providers, psychiatrists provide therapy for people with mental health issues. However, they are also licensed to prescribe medications to help you cope with certain mental health symptoms that are not responding positively to therapy alone.

Know Federal Mental Health Laws

Getting acquainted with federal laws that promote your mental well-being is a great idea. This knowledge can be extremely useful in situations where an institution, entity, or company may try to limit your access to mental resources or violate your rights in other ways. These laws can also help you to know what to look for when choosing an insurance plan that promises to cover all your mental health needs. They are also a protection for you if you need to go to court.

One example of a federal mental health law is the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act, which was signed into law in 2004. This legislation set aside funding for states, campuses, and U.S. territories to develop and improve suicide intervention and prevention programs. There are also federal laws that focus on specific but widespread issues such as substance abuse.  An example of this type of law is the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) of 2016 – which was passed to help prevent opioid abuse and increase access to opioid addiction treatment.

Use Mobile Applications That Promote Good Mental Health

Mental health applications are cost-effective solutions to address mental health issues in the modern age. There are a number of apps that help people to manage their mental health conditions; and some apps even supplement necessary psychiatric treatment. 

A 2018 study concluded that mental health apps have significant potential to deliver mental health interventions, and may even become a viable tool to bridge the treatment gap. However, it is crucial to remember that while these apps are easily accessible, they should not be used as a permanent replacement for your practitioner’s treatment plan. Always consult your mental health provider about how specific mental health apps may be used as a part of the treatment or recovery process.

Search For Local Nonprofit Organizations

Another mental health resource you could explore are Nonprofit Organizations in your area. Many nonprofit organizations are dedicated to addressing mental illness through prevention services, intervention programs, and referral programs. Some organizations tackle specific issues such as eating disorders, children with learning disorders, or children who experience grief due to the loss of a loved one. You can check online for registered nonprofit organizations that suit your needs.

Final Thoughts

Efforts to increase mental health awareness have resulted in more people seeking help for mental and emotional problems. Regardless of the mental health resource you choose, it’s crucial to remember that support is always available if you need it. In fact, a number of common mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety are very treatable if you seek professional help. Take advantage of the mental health resources in your community and continue your journey to better overall health and a more fulfilling life.
