4 Therapeutic Writing Techniques You Can Try Today

healing writing

Writing has several therapeutic benefits that many people are not aware of. For example, when you write you have the opportunity to unburden yourself, unblock your emotions, and get to know yourself better. Some people write to help disrupt negative thinking patterns. Writing can also help you to organize your thoughts, define objectives, and find solutions to problems you currently have. 

Many therapists use writing or journaling as a treatment technique in their therapy sessions. If you are curious about how writing can help papers writers to remain mentally and emotionally balanced, check out the fascinating information below.

1. Write to get the emotional “gunk” out of you quickly

When people feel overwhelmed with emotions, they may feel the urge to scream. However, screaming is likely to draw attention to you and may not be appropriate if you are in a public setting. Writing is an effective way to express negative feelings privately. Consider the following technique that has helped many people to let go of negative thought patterns.

  1. On a blank sheet of paper, write by hand the first thing that comes into your head, without erasing, without crossing out, without the restraint of judgment or shame. It is about emptying yourself of negative emotions. 
  2. Now, on another sheet of paper, write how you would like to feel, how you would like the situation to be at that very moment.
  3. Compare both sheets, then shred or crumple the first. There is no need to tear the second sheet of paper

2. Write a letter

Writing a letter allows you to clarify your emotions and solve conflicts. Please note that the exercises below are only for you. The letters are not to be delivered to the person or people you write about. You can keep the letter or tear it up afterward.

So what kind of letters can you write?

The letter of relief

  1. On a sheet of paper, write by hand why you are angry or what bothers you about a particular situation or person. 
  2. Clearly explain how you feel
  3. Write down what fears you can identify that may be contributing to your anger or sadness. 
  4. Acknowledge all the things you would like to thank the person for. Why do you like or appreciate about him or her? What has he or she done to make you happy in the past? 

The letter to make amends

  1. Tell him/her how you felt, without reproach. Tell him/her how you would have liked to have been treated. Words have power: some words hurt; others heal. Be careful.
  2. Put the letter in an envelope and put your name and the initials of your last name on the sender’s side, and on the recipient’s, side put the name of the addressee, and drop it in a mailbox. This exercise is a symbolic act, so this letter has no stamp or address.

The letter to the child you were

  1. Remember the child you were. What did he/she like? What made him/her happy? What made him/her angry or sad? What was he/she afraid of? What was he/she capable of? What did he/she play? What was his/her dream?
  2. Show him/her your affection, your gratitude, your forgiveness, your pride, your understanding, your support. You were small and did not understand everything that happened to you. Now with adult eyes, you can explain to him/her your childish questions and comfort him/her.

The letter to read at your funeral

This exercise is very powerful because it makes you reflect on what is important in your life, what you want, what you value, and what you would like to do before you die. It is meant to be a letter to be read at your funeral.

  1. Find some quiet time and think about all the people you want to leave a message or request for.
  2. Write a letter by hand in which you share a story they don’t know or that you are proud of. Tell them a funny anecdote so they remember you with a smile on their lips. Remember that they are sad because you are no longer with them.      

3. Write to reconstruct a memory

Relive a happy event from your life that you want to remember better. The memory can be from childhood or adolescence. To distance yourself from the memory, write it as a story in the third person and make the protagonist different from you (you can change the gender, age, or add some significant feature). After reliving the event from a distance you may better understand why people reacted the way they did in the past or you may see, hear or feel something you had not seen, heard, or felt before.

4. Make a gratitude list or journal

Writing a gratitude journal offers multiple benefits for your physical and mental health. A gratitude list helps you to feel better, more abundant, and to take a realistic view of your problems.

  1. Make a list of all those little things that make you smile, feel at ease, comfortable, happy. From the fact that you were born to the fact that the weather is nice and the sun is shining. You can be grateful for the people in your life, a coffee with friends, a meal with your family, health, love, some small achievement. Whatever you want.
  2. In a notebook and at night, you can write down three or more things you are grateful for that day.

Healing writing is a tool that can help you express and channel your emotions when you feel blocked or overwhelmed. By laying your ideas, emotions, feelings, desires, and problems out on a sheet of paper, you release them and allow your mind to rest and reset.
