Monthly Archives: March 2023

How To Relax When You Feel Extremely Stressed

how to reduce stress

We all experience stressful moments in our lives. Whether it be from juggling multiple tasks or being overwhelmed with the pressures of managing a growing family, every hustling adult knows how overwhelming stress can feel. It’s essential to adopt healthy ways of handling stress before it becomes more than we can manage. While there are many strategies for tackling stress and anxiety, today we will talk about practical methods you can use to relax and feel mentally refreshed when faced with situations that cause extreme stress.
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US Addiction Crisis is Causing a Large Spike in Endocarditis Cases According to Reports

addiction fentanyl spike endocarditis

The increase in injection usage across the USA is contributing to the growth of a life threatening heart condition called endocarditis, with a large number of cases over the last few years, correlating with the rise in fentanyl abuse across the country. The rise of opioid addiction has grown to crisis levels, with states right across the country suffering. Record numbers of people are seeking treatment from treatment centers in Rhode Island to rehab in Arizona, and there are no signs of it slowing down. Continue reading


The Connection Between Tinnitus And Your Mental Health

Tinnitus and mental health

Tinnitus is a condition that causes constant ringing in your ears. If you’re unsure if you’ve experienced it before, it’s likely you have seen it in the media. For example, movie characters may get tinnitus when they are exposed to a nearby explosion. It’s also often used in first-person shooter games like Call of Duty or Battlefield.  Continue reading


How To Reduce The Stress Of Running A Beauty Business

How to reduce stress

The mental health industry and the beauty industry may be more closely connected than you think. Many people visit beauty salons when they feel emotionally overwhelmed because certain beauty treatments such as hot oil massages and spending some time in a sauna are excellent ways to relax. However, running a beauty business can bring its own challenges and anxieties. If you are a salon or spa owner, here are a few ways to make a big impact in the beauty industry without the usual stress. Continue reading


How To Manage The Stress Of Opening A Medical Facility

hospital stress

Starting a new medical facility can be an overwhelming and stressful experience. There are a lot of details to take care of such as finding the right location and hiring qualified staff. But with careful planning and management, you can minimize the stress and ensure that the opening goes smoothly. Here are some tips on how to manage the stress of opening a new medical facility.  Continue reading
