Monthly Archives: July 2020

Can You Use CBD For Depression?

CBD for depression

Depression is a very common mental health issue that is characterized by intense feelings of melancholy, low motivation, gloomy mood, and irritability. When people experience an episode of depression, their ability to think, work, and function is completely disrupted. Each year, approximately 16 million men and women in the United States experience at least one depressive episode. Although pharmaceutical antidepressants are available as a form of treatment, the side effects associated with these medications have motivated some people to seek healthier alternative treatments such as CBD. Continue reading


How CBD May Help Women Improve Their Mental Health

CBD anxiety woman

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), an estimated 264 million people around the world are currently experiencing an anxiety disorder. The ADAA also notes that women are twice as likely as men to develop an anxiety issue in their lifetime. In 2019, the prevalence of anxiety issues among females was 23.4% compared to 14.3% for males. Despite these chilling statistics, an increasing number of women are reporting that regular use of cannabidiol (CBD) has resulted in their experiencing better mental health. Continue reading


5 Best Kratom Strains for Anxiety and Stress

kratom anxiety cure

We live in a fast-paced world where there’s pressure to work quickly and complete assigned tasks while simultaneously managing a thousand other areas of our lives. It can become super stressful to keep up and follow through with everyone’s expectations, including our own. Many people develop anxiety as a result of trying to maintain this type of hustle and bustle lifestyle. Continue reading


3 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Mental Health

CBD and Mental Health

Good mental health is associated with emotional well-being, positive thoughts, and healthy behavioral patterns. Improving your mental health is essential if you want to harness your innate physical and cognitive strengths to resolve problematic situations, work towards your goals, and live a healthy life.   Continue reading
