Monthly Archives: June 2013

VIDEO – Is your red the same as my red?

Vsauce’s Michael Stevens asks extremely thought provoking questions regarding the human perception of color and whether or not our experiences and ideas regarding color are the same between different individuals. He also raises the issue of the explanatory gap and highlights how the limitations of human language hinders any potential perception of another person’s feelings.


The Stroop Effect Experiment

stroop effect

In a landmark experiment in 1935, John Ridley Stroop demonstrated a cognitive effect which has fascinated psychologists for centuries. In the first of a series of experiments reported in his dissertation, Stroop asked participants to read the names of a list of colour words (e.g. blue, red, etc) under two conditions. In the first condition, participants were asked to read words that were printed in black ink whereas in the other condition they were expected to read words which were printed in ink colours that did not match the color names. For example, the word blue may have been printed in red ink (i.e. blue – in this case, the correct answer would have been blue). In this experiment, Stroop found that there was no significant difference in performance between the two conditions. Continue reading


The Ups and Downs of Bipolar Disorder – Infographic

bipolar disorder cureBipolar disorder (also referred to as bipolar affective disorder) is a mood disorder in which afflicted persons experience alternating episodes of mania (characterized by frenzy, elevated energy levels or arousal) and depression. While the condition can have significant impact on an individual’s lifestyle on a social and secular level, this does not mean that persons with bipolar disorder are unable to live rich fulfilling lives. For more information on this mental illness, kindly consider our infographic below: Continue reading


The Benefits of Art Therapy


Art Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that employs the medium of art as its main method of communication. Patients are spurred into expressing their emotions through a piece of art, be it a sculpture, a painting, or simply a drawing. Continue reading


Placebo Effect – Infographic

use of placebos

This infographic gives a brief overview of the history of the use of placebos in medicine. It explains how placebos were originally a derogatory term used to describe medication prescribed by false physicians, but how, in light of the “placebo effect,” medical perception has since changed to the extent that placebos now play an active role in medical treatment. Continue reading
